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Thursday 8 March 2018


Something happened at work few days ago and I think I need your opinion on the issue.

It's Monday morning. The weather was so cool. My boss had visitors waiting for her in the office. She then told me to stay in her office as she stepped out to do something. So I invited my friend, Wunmi to stay with me since she's actually doing something for my boss. She was actually busy with the law reports research.

So one of the men (visitors)in the office decided to engage in a conversation with us. As he started, Wunmi looks so uninterested as she concentrated on what she's doing. she decided not to contribute. I kept the conversation going by replying what he says.

So he started; he asked if I'm a Yoruba girl and If I speak the language. I nodded. He emphasized on the need to understand and know how to speak one's language. So he decided to tell us about his younger sister who married an igbo man and decided to resign from her job just to travel to her husband's village to learn the language. I was like wow! resigning from one's job on on the name of speaking one's partner's language?

Don't get tired of my story o.  Lol.  Although I was told to just sit in the office but I engaged in a conversation with a stranger.

The man continued by saying its important to keep one's marriage and do anything your spouse says. Don't joke with your marriage, he said. He even said its necessary to do all you can to save your marriage. 

Wunmi just kept looking at us as we conversed.

Then he told me about his marriage. He said he had a first wife but divorced now. He mentioned that he told her to resign as a banker and opened a shop for her. He said he can't marry a career woman. He continued by saying he has high libido so he has sex with his wife almost everyday. So he doesn't allow his wife to travel or have any reason not to sleep at home.

I asked him what if he had any reason to travel out of the country?  He said for what.  Lol.  he said he can't hold himself for a week or else, he would sleep with another woman. So if he has any reason to travel for long, he's going with his wife.

Is it that serious?  I asked..  He said that's his kind of person.  He must have sex at least 5days in a week. Anytime he needs it, he must get it.

He advised that as women, it is important to always be at your husband's reach, Or else he might be snatched.

So I asked him what happened to his first marriage.  why the divorce?  He then said his wife was always having miscarriages. They were married for 8years without a child. so they decided to go separate ways. They didn't know the cause of the miscarriages until after the divorce.

When they got to the hospital, the doctor told him that the reason they have miscarriages is because the husband's blood group is O+ while the wife is O- ,they can not have a child for each other ( most of us don't know this right? ) . O+  should not marry O- . (check your blood group and genotype before you get married).

Now his first wife has a child with another person and he also has a child with someone else.  All they needed to do was to go separate ways. So they did!

Moving on to your opininons
1. Is it advisable to give up one's career all in the name of marriage or your partner's selfish interest?
2. Ladies, can you cope with a man who sleeps with you virtually everyday?
3. Men, please is it that difficult to do without sex or the man in this story was just exaggerating?

My view :The woman still had to make sacrifices in the marriage. Gave up her job because she doesn't want to lose her man.
Looks like a woman is the one who makes more sacrifice in the marriage.
It's international women's day.. Y'all will agree with me that women are strong.  You see what this woman had to give up in this story just to preserve her marriage.
Without women, everything seems incomplete!

P.S : You can comment as anonymous....  no one would see your name.


  1. Hell to the No! Don't give up your career for no man, what if he dies? Nd his family comes to take all his property's, where would you start from, please it's the new century, don't in the name of marriage sacrifice certain things, your dream or your life, "marriage isn't the ultimate goal in life"...
    Your purpose in life is not marriage. ..

    For the sex part... If you are the spontaneous type i don't think 5 times is bad lol

    1. Lol.... I'm just laughing right now o.... Seems you are not the marriage type though.

      Lol.. You can allow sex 5days a week??? Wawu

  2. I personally can't give up my career for a man o... That's why it's better to marry someone that will support your purpose in life.. Life's ultimate purpose is not MARRIAGE

    1. Hmmmmmm... Really? Considering the fact that you need to take care of your husband and children?

  3. To me,if a woman really value her marriage,she can sacrifice anything for it

    1. What about men though? Do they really have much to sacrifice in marriage

  4. This is why I pray for a man that would love me for who I am and for all I want to be come ..the man that would help achieve purpose, if a man truly loves you he would be down to support you to any length...and for the sex part haaa I can't deal ooo that's too much abeg

    1. Exactly... Getting someone that would support your purpose and vision is important!!!

      Lol. You are scared of the spontaneous sex lol

  5. A relationship/marriage will require some form of sacrifice, what is advisable or not depends on your interests... Everyday sex is not practical, except both parties are idle... According to the man, he has a high libido, we have our different desires

    1. Okay sir.. But the sacrifice should not be one sided right?

  6. Lol.Nice write up Yowa, I can make sacrifices for my marriage but worthy of note is the fact that marriage isn't the sole purpose of any man or woman,marriage isn't an END to a means but A means to an end. Therefore it's important that my spouse and I understand this before making decisions or sacrifices. Wisdom is Key because one's career may also be relevant in fulfilling purpose.

    1. Thanks darling...

      But you would agree that both parties should make sacrifices

  7. So I forgot to mention that the man said to us



Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...