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Saturday 24 March 2018


It's a new beginning for Jabo. A new environment. She was so happy to finally be in the University. Her school fees was paid and her parents said they could only afford hostel fees as against Jabo's wish of wanting to stay off campus. She just wanted freedom but her parents couldn't afford the luxurious lifestyle she wants.

Jabo was sad as she made her way to the hostel. This is not just the kind of life she wants. She wanted a room to herself not sharing a room with 3 other ladies from different backgrounds. Getting to the hostel, she met her bunkmate, Bibi.

Bibi is such a nice, friendly and God-fearing lady. She came from a very poor background. Her father is late, so she's left with her mother.  In fact, she had to work and save up to assist her mother for her school fees before resuming into the University. Bibi is so contented with whatever she has.  She doesn't spend lavishly.

Jabo and Bibi became close friends as the semester continued. They are both in the same department so they tend to do things together. Jabo told Bibi of her wish to live off campus and have total freedom but her parents insisted she stays in the hostel because it's cheaper. Bibi advised her to be patient and contented, that with time, everything will be better.   Jabo was not really satisfied with Bibi's reply.

Bibi is so beautiful that when both of them are walking on the road, guys admire Bibi more.  This makes Jabo jealous most times, although Bibi wasn't even interested in guys.

Remember Rita and Tito, Jabo's childhood friends, they kept to their promise and still kept in touch with Jabo. Jabo, on the other hand, became jealous of her childhood friends every time she sees their pictures. Jabo would always envy their luxurious lifestyle and hope to be like them.

Jabo actually never laacked the basic needs of life (food, clothing, and shelter) .She just wanted extra

Jabo is now in 200level and decided to date a guy,Soji, who has been disturbing her, although she's still keeping the relationship she has back at home with Siku. Siku sends her monthly allowance and always keep in touch with her daily.

Soji is very handsome and rich. He's so caring and loves Jabo wholeheartedly. Jabo actually agreed to dating Soji because she saw him as a source of income.  Jabo sees Soji as someone who will always pay her bills. Soji is oblivious of the fact that Jabo has someone she's dating back at home, so he showers Jabo with gifts and all she needs. (Poor guy) Jabo now enjoys the kind of life she's living as she could now do anything she likes with money.

Bibi, knowing fully well Jabo has a relationship back at home, called Jabo for a heart to heart talk immediately she noticed Jabo is having an affair with Soji.

Bibi said to Jabo;  " Jabo, all you are doing is so unnecessary. You are in a relationship back at home and this man loves you so much, don't waste his time. If you are not interested in him again, just let him know and let him go. Or better still, tell Soji you are in a relationship with someone back at home.You can't keep depending on men for your survival "

In reaction to what Bibi said, Jabo got angry. She asked why Bibi would question her decision. She was really furious, she almost hit Bibi on the face in the heat of the argument. 

She immediately packed her loads from the hostel and told Bibi she's going for good. 

"Since you have decided to be a judge over my life, I'm leaving for you " She said as she slams the door.


Where's she going?
Was Bibi wrong by advising Jabo?
Was Jabo supposed to be in a relationship with another guy in school?

1 comment:


Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...