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Saturday 3 March 2018


"My mom is dead", She said to me as I received her call!  Tears rolled down my eyes hearing her shaking voice! I couldn't believe my ears. Dead?  How? When? Where?  What happened exactly?

She has been my friend for over 12 years! We attended the same church. we are used to each other's family. Memories we shared together are so precious. Her mom is such a wonderful and nice woman. My friend is actually a very good friend. We stopped seeing regularly when they left the neighborhood.
It's been a while I heard from her. I never thought I would be crying with her when next I hear from her.

It's a new month. While everyone was excited for the new month, my friend was starting the month with tears and sorrow. I couldn't control my tears as I speak to her younger sister too. Such a sad news.

Is this how it feels?  Is this how people die? Why will death come in without knocking? This looks unfair.

Then it dawned on me, We all owe this debt!
One day, we all will pay the debt.

There's something common to all men
The rich and the poor
The young and old
The ruler and the ruled
Employer and employee
the righteous and the wicked
It's called DEATH

Whatever you have or make won't follow you to the grave.
Then why would you be proud?
Why do you live today like you know tomorrow
While you are alive, make a good use of the opportunity
Take care of your parents while you all are still alive
Treat everyone with love
Live right

What will you be remembered for?
Will God say to you "Welcome my good and faithful servant "?

Whatsoever you find to do, do it now
For in death,  you can do nothing!

May God heal and be with everyone who have lost loved ones! 

I pray that we won't die before our time!  Amen



Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...