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Monday 26 March 2018


Jabo kept playing her cards perfectly well until Soji caught her in bed with the married man in the house he rented for her. Soji was so disappointed in her. He had thought he had her all to himself not knowing she's into another man. 

Soji was down for days. Then he remembered the day Bibi called him to inform him that Jabo was bleeding and has been rushed to the hospital.  Apparently Jabo had an abortion after she was not sure of the owner of the pregnancy as it was definitely not Siku. Soji was really disappointed and wished Jabo had kept the pregnancy not knowing she was cheating on him.

It now dawned on him that Jabo has not been faithful to him all along. After all the love he showed to Jabo, she could still cheat on him.  Then he made his decision,  He ended the relationship with Jabo. Although it was not an easy decision.
Soji just wasted his time loving someone who doesn't love him in return.

Jabo was sad that her relationship with Soji has ended. She still kept her relationship with the married man because she needed money.

One of the holidays she went home, Siku proposed to her and she said YES. She was so excited.  She told Bibi about it when she got back to school for their final semester.  Bibi rejoiced with her but asked her to end the relationship she has with the married man. Jabo said No, she can't . "You will regret your actions" Bibi said to Jabo as she left.

Bibi got a big contract. Her hair stylist business finally paved way for her.  She's not just an ordinary hairstylist now, she has now gone international. She's now successful.. She shared her good news with Jabo and informed her she will be traveling out of the country immediately after their final exams.

It's time for Jabo's wedding preparations.  Siku was the happiest man on earth.  He was so happy he's getting married to the woman he has loved all his life. So they were told in church to do different medical tests in the hospital. So they quickly went and did it.

The day to get the test results finally came. They just wanted to collect the results and show the pastor. Unfortunately, the doctor confirmed that Joba has STD and also her womb has been damaged due to abortion.

This news sounded odd to Siku.  "STD?  womb damaged?  I thought you are supposed to be a virgin. I waited for you for years but this is all I get. Jabo, just tell me it's not true"

Jabo then fell on her knees begging siku but it was too late.  She wept and wept.  The thought of what Bibi told her flashed through her mind.  Now she's indeed regretting as she drowned in her own tears. Had she known she would have listened to Bibi.

Don't be like Jabo, she was just not contented with what she had.  She never lacked the basic needs of life. No reasons would have justified her actions in this story.  she just wanted to depend on men for cash.

Having a boyfriend doesn't mean you should depend on him for your survival.

Look at Bibi, she was helpless but she was also independent. She empowered herself then she became successful.  Women empowerment is important.  You can be anything you want to be without requesting from a man.

Be contented
Don't depend on men
Be faithful to your relationship




Jabo left the hostel with her loads to Soji's house.

On getting to Soji's house, Soji asked what happened exactly and she told Soji she's tired of living in the hostel. Soji asked what she wanted. And she replied and said she wants soji to rent an apartment for her off campus. Soji loves Jabo so he granted her request.
Poor Soji!
Jabo kept living the life she wanted.

Siku still kept in touch with Jabo. He tried all he could to keep the relationship going. He loves Jabo so much that he guarded their relationship with all he has. Siku is patiently waiting for their wedding night to break her virginity because this has been the plan. Anytime Jabo comes home on holiday, Siku tries his best not to sleep with her. he's so faithful. Jabo kept promising Siku that she remains faithful to him.

Bibi still sees Jabo in class when they have lectures.  She still tried her best to advise jabo not to waste Soji's time.  She told her to be truthful to the two guys.  Bibi couldn't summon courage to tell soji all these as it will be seen as betraying her friend. So she just kept it to herself.

I do not blame Bibi though.

Jabo met a rich married man around her new area in school.  He asked her to be his girlfriend since his wife and children were not in the country. Jabo accepted as she sees him as another source of income. The man made it clear that he won't marry her as he's married already, Joba was less concerned and focused on the gain.

All Jabo was after was how to get money from men. Her whole life now depended on them.  She sees men as a source of income to satisfy her desire.

But how's Jabo coping dating two single guys and a married man?

Bibi on the other hand kept working hard as she was schooling.  She developed herself.  She learnt a vocational training and became a hairstylist and entrepreneur. She worked so well that she never depended on anyone for her survival. She was able to fend for herself and pay her fees.

Bibi tried to talk to Jabo about empowering herself. She told Jabo to be independent but Jabo wasn't interested as her two boyfriends and man friend were paying her bills. All she wanted was to be like Rita and Tito. Bibi explained to her that there's time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3) but she was adamant.

Jabo kept playing her cards perfectly well until.......


Saturday 24 March 2018


It's a new beginning for Jabo. A new environment. She was so happy to finally be in the University. Her school fees was paid and her parents said they could only afford hostel fees as against Jabo's wish of wanting to stay off campus. She just wanted freedom but her parents couldn't afford the luxurious lifestyle she wants.

Jabo was sad as she made her way to the hostel. This is not just the kind of life she wants. She wanted a room to herself not sharing a room with 3 other ladies from different backgrounds. Getting to the hostel, she met her bunkmate, Bibi.

Bibi is such a nice, friendly and God-fearing lady. She came from a very poor background. Her father is late, so she's left with her mother.  In fact, she had to work and save up to assist her mother for her school fees before resuming into the University. Bibi is so contented with whatever she has.  She doesn't spend lavishly.

Jabo and Bibi became close friends as the semester continued. They are both in the same department so they tend to do things together. Jabo told Bibi of her wish to live off campus and have total freedom but her parents insisted she stays in the hostel because it's cheaper. Bibi advised her to be patient and contented, that with time, everything will be better.   Jabo was not really satisfied with Bibi's reply.

Bibi is so beautiful that when both of them are walking on the road, guys admire Bibi more.  This makes Jabo jealous most times, although Bibi wasn't even interested in guys.

Remember Rita and Tito, Jabo's childhood friends, they kept to their promise and still kept in touch with Jabo. Jabo, on the other hand, became jealous of her childhood friends every time she sees their pictures. Jabo would always envy their luxurious lifestyle and hope to be like them.

Jabo actually never laacked the basic needs of life (food, clothing, and shelter) .She just wanted extra

Jabo is now in 200level and decided to date a guy,Soji, who has been disturbing her, although she's still keeping the relationship she has back at home with Siku. Siku sends her monthly allowance and always keep in touch with her daily.

Soji is very handsome and rich. He's so caring and loves Jabo wholeheartedly. Jabo actually agreed to dating Soji because she saw him as a source of income.  Jabo sees Soji as someone who will always pay her bills. Soji is oblivious of the fact that Jabo has someone she's dating back at home, so he showers Jabo with gifts and all she needs. (Poor guy) Jabo now enjoys the kind of life she's living as she could now do anything she likes with money.

Bibi, knowing fully well Jabo has a relationship back at home, called Jabo for a heart to heart talk immediately she noticed Jabo is having an affair with Soji.

Bibi said to Jabo;  " Jabo, all you are doing is so unnecessary. You are in a relationship back at home and this man loves you so much, don't waste his time. If you are not interested in him again, just let him know and let him go. Or better still, tell Soji you are in a relationship with someone back at home.You can't keep depending on men for your survival "

In reaction to what Bibi said, Jabo got angry. She asked why Bibi would question her decision. She was really furious, she almost hit Bibi on the face in the heat of the argument. 

She immediately packed her loads from the hostel and told Bibi she's going for good. 

"Since you have decided to be a judge over my life, I'm leaving for you " She said as she slams the door.


Where's she going?
Was Bibi wrong by advising Jabo?
Was Jabo supposed to be in a relationship with another guy in school?

Thursday 22 March 2018


"You will regret your actions" .... This thought flashed through Jabo's mind as she drowned in her own tears.....

Jabo is a very cheerful Lady. She is the only child of her parents. Jabo comes from a good home.  Jabo's parents are neither rich nor poor. They could afford the basic needs of life. They are okay. Jabo's parents are civil servants who lived on their monthly salaries.

Jabo has two friends; they are twins. These two, Rita and Tito are Jabo's childhood friend who came from a wealthy home unlike Jabo. They shared things together and never made Jabo feel bad about her own family. They all love one another.

It's now time to seek admission into the University as they are now done with their secondary education. Rita and Tito were sent abroad to further their education while Jabo remained in Nigeria struggling with jamb and post jamb. The day Rita and Tito were leaving the country was an emotional day, they promised to keep in touch with their friend and said goodbye. Goodbyes are really sad. Jabo wept but life goes on .

Jabo attended jamb classes and write exams, passed wonderfully but wasn't given admission. This happened twice and Jabo kept wondering why she wasn't picked. Jabo was 20years old as at this time.

Shortly before she wrote the next jamb, She decided to be in a relationship with a guy who has been asking her out for over two years. She's now giving him a chance to prove himself. His name is Siku. Siku is a graduate of Business Administration. He teaches in a secondary school pending the time he would get a better offer. He's in his mid 20s. Their relationship grew stronger and stronger. They loved each other so much.

Jabo was very close to her mother so she decided to open up to her mother and introduced her boyfriend to her.  Her mother advised and counselled both of them. She constantly advised her daughter about the right way to go and Jabo promised to be a good child.

One day, Jabo's mother fell so sick and her dad couldn't afford the hospital bills. The only place Jabo could run to was Siku's place. On hearing this, Siku dashed to the hospital and added the remaining amount of money needed to complete the hospital bills.  Jabo's parents were so grateful to him.

Jabo wrote Jamb and post jamb again the third time, passed wonderfully as expected. She was given admission this time around to study Biochemistry, her dream course. She was so excited and her boyfriend was happy with the new development.

Siku then said to her;
"Jabo, I hope you would stay with me forever, I'll wait for you till you are done. Always know that I love you. Keep yourself for me, I can't wait to unveil you on our wedding night.  May the Lord guide your steps my darling "

Jabo replied him;
"I'll be faithful to you, my love. I'll always be there for you. And I'll keep myself like you said"......

Let's hope they are able to keep to their promises.


I was skeptical about writing this at first. Is it necessary? why should I?  But then, I decided to write. There are lots of things we take for granted which we shouldn't. This is just a reminder that God still does his wonders.

It's a sunny day, So I left the office with three of my colleagues.  We all entered BRT and alighted at the last bus stop. Two of them already got to their destination while myself and one other person have to board another taxi or bike to our own destination.

We bought the drinks and plantain we would eat when we get home.  So we took a bike, I sat first then she sat behind me. We started gisting. I told her how I first got to abeokuta. While we were gisting, just one minute into the journey, we heard a loud hit(gboa), I looked up and realized the bikeman mistakenly hit a guy who was about to cross the road without looking left or right.

There and then, the bike began to lose its balance.  Before I knew it, my friend already jumped out of the bike as she was behind, I was blank at first, so I started struggling to jump off the bike, I kept struggling, the drinks I was carrying already found its way out of the nylon. I held on tight to my phone and kept struggling. The bike now was already on the floor, I tried to stand up before it finally rested on me. I stood up without a  scratch, Just my sandals got spoilt.  My wig almost left my head,  so I adjusted it after I left the road.

I looked back, and I realized there has actually been a trailer behind us all this while.  Wow! this could only have been God. The trailer had break? God allowed the break to work? God allowed the driver apply the break? I was blank completely.

My friend then told me she quickly jumped out of the bike immediately she saw the trailer and she was wondering what I was still doing on the road. I DIDN'T KNOW!  I was just trying to escape from the bike not knowing there was actually something bigger which might have hit me. But then, God said it's not time yet!

People kept coming to me saying I should use pain reliever and make sure I massage my body. They even said my friend was smart, that she quickly jumped.Lol.  So my Friend made sure she picked the drinks scattered on the road.  lol

God just saved us!  That was GRACE, I said.

We got home and we actually still ate the plantain and drank the drinks ... I just kept wondering what would have happened if God had not intervened ...  would we have been dead?  Would we have been hospitalized?

Someone told me same thing happened to a lady but unfortunately, she was crushed to death by the trailer.

Have you ever wondered how an accident happens immediately after you left a scene or before you get there, it could have been you but God always has his way of protecting us. Give him thanks always.

Hey people, God is still on the throne. He always show up when we need him. He keeps to his promises. God loves us so much. He's the only one who shuts a door no one can open, and when he opens a door, no one can shut it.
Gbanigbani ti aye n saya, Alagbada ina,The one who is and is to come.

God is still in the business of doing miracles .....

May the GRACE of the Lord be with us always.

Thursday 8 March 2018


Something happened at work few days ago and I think I need your opinion on the issue.

It's Monday morning. The weather was so cool. My boss had visitors waiting for her in the office. She then told me to stay in her office as she stepped out to do something. So I invited my friend, Wunmi to stay with me since she's actually doing something for my boss. She was actually busy with the law reports research.

So one of the men (visitors)in the office decided to engage in a conversation with us. As he started, Wunmi looks so uninterested as she concentrated on what she's doing. she decided not to contribute. I kept the conversation going by replying what he says.

So he started; he asked if I'm a Yoruba girl and If I speak the language. I nodded. He emphasized on the need to understand and know how to speak one's language. So he decided to tell us about his younger sister who married an igbo man and decided to resign from her job just to travel to her husband's village to learn the language. I was like wow! resigning from one's job on on the name of speaking one's partner's language?

Don't get tired of my story o.  Lol.  Although I was told to just sit in the office but I engaged in a conversation with a stranger.

The man continued by saying its important to keep one's marriage and do anything your spouse says. Don't joke with your marriage, he said. He even said its necessary to do all you can to save your marriage. 

Wunmi just kept looking at us as we conversed.

Then he told me about his marriage. He said he had a first wife but divorced now. He mentioned that he told her to resign as a banker and opened a shop for her. He said he can't marry a career woman. He continued by saying he has high libido so he has sex with his wife almost everyday. So he doesn't allow his wife to travel or have any reason not to sleep at home.

I asked him what if he had any reason to travel out of the country?  He said for what.  Lol.  he said he can't hold himself for a week or else, he would sleep with another woman. So if he has any reason to travel for long, he's going with his wife.

Is it that serious?  I asked..  He said that's his kind of person.  He must have sex at least 5days in a week. Anytime he needs it, he must get it.

He advised that as women, it is important to always be at your husband's reach, Or else he might be snatched.

So I asked him what happened to his first marriage.  why the divorce?  He then said his wife was always having miscarriages. They were married for 8years without a child. so they decided to go separate ways. They didn't know the cause of the miscarriages until after the divorce.

When they got to the hospital, the doctor told him that the reason they have miscarriages is because the husband's blood group is O+ while the wife is O- ,they can not have a child for each other ( most of us don't know this right? ) . O+  should not marry O- . (check your blood group and genotype before you get married).

Now his first wife has a child with another person and he also has a child with someone else.  All they needed to do was to go separate ways. So they did!

Moving on to your opininons
1. Is it advisable to give up one's career all in the name of marriage or your partner's selfish interest?
2. Ladies, can you cope with a man who sleeps with you virtually everyday?
3. Men, please is it that difficult to do without sex or the man in this story was just exaggerating?

My view :The woman still had to make sacrifices in the marriage. Gave up her job because she doesn't want to lose her man.
Looks like a woman is the one who makes more sacrifice in the marriage.
It's international women's day.. Y'all will agree with me that women are strong.  You see what this woman had to give up in this story just to preserve her marriage.
Without women, everything seems incomplete!

P.S : You can comment as anonymous....  no one would see your name.

Saturday 3 March 2018


"My mom is dead", She said to me as I received her call!  Tears rolled down my eyes hearing her shaking voice! I couldn't believe my ears. Dead?  How? When? Where?  What happened exactly?

She has been my friend for over 12 years! We attended the same church. we are used to each other's family. Memories we shared together are so precious. Her mom is such a wonderful and nice woman. My friend is actually a very good friend. We stopped seeing regularly when they left the neighborhood.
It's been a while I heard from her. I never thought I would be crying with her when next I hear from her.

It's a new month. While everyone was excited for the new month, my friend was starting the month with tears and sorrow. I couldn't control my tears as I speak to her younger sister too. Such a sad news.

Is this how it feels?  Is this how people die? Why will death come in without knocking? This looks unfair.

Then it dawned on me, We all owe this debt!
One day, we all will pay the debt.

There's something common to all men
The rich and the poor
The young and old
The ruler and the ruled
Employer and employee
the righteous and the wicked
It's called DEATH

Whatever you have or make won't follow you to the grave.
Then why would you be proud?
Why do you live today like you know tomorrow
While you are alive, make a good use of the opportunity
Take care of your parents while you all are still alive
Treat everyone with love
Live right

What will you be remembered for?
Will God say to you "Welcome my good and faithful servant "?

Whatsoever you find to do, do it now
For in death,  you can do nothing!

May God heal and be with everyone who have lost loved ones! 

I pray that we won't die before our time!  Amen


Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...