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Thursday 3 January 2019


Approaching her silver jubilee
She's indifferent about how she feels
Should she be excited?
Should she be sad?
In deep thought she is
What exactly has she achieved?
There and then,
Thoughts of God's faithfulness started flowing
How well he has kept her through the years
Her prayers and pleas, he hears
What more could she ask for?
Looking back, she learns
Looking forward, she belives
Believing her tomorrow will be better than today
Just immediately
She began to smile
As she remembers God's promises do not fail
Oh faithful father,
Thank you for loving me this much;
She said to herself.



Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...