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Wednesday 31 October 2018


Oh yeah, it's been a while here. I'm back😊 How have we been?

So I'm here to tell you a short story.

One morning, my mum called me to come to the busstop to meet her and collect something as she was heading towards oshodi. I was to meet her at Ladipo, some of us are familiar with this area. "Meet me at ladipo in 10minutes", she said. So I quickly left what i was doing and headed to Ladipo.

On getting to Ladipo exactly 10minutes after she called me, my mum wasn't there yet. I was not happy because i don't like standing for too long. So i gave her a call and she said she's stuck in traffic at Ikeja.  I know how Lagos morning traffic could be so I start walking back to sogunle. I prefer walking to standing. Don't mind me.lol. So I called my mum that we would meet at sogunle. I got to sogunle and realised there was still traffic behind and my mum was not still at the busstop.

So I had no choice than to stand and wait for her at the busstop. As I was waiting, different buses passed, stopped,picked passengers and left. I was wondering why some passengers didn't enter the buses, then i remembered the road leads to two routes;Oshodi underbridge and Oshodi Express. I was just there looking at everyone entering buses and coming down from buses.

Then something happened, a small yellow bus stopped at the busstop to pick passengers. People entered and as the driver was about to leave, the last person that entered who was already closing the door asked a question; "NI BO LE N LO" meaning "WHERE ARE YOU GOING". The driver told him and the bus left.

Then it occurred to me that this man actually entered a bus without knowing it's destination. The driver actually called the busstop he was going immediately he stopped. Was he not listening?

Some of us are like this man, we jump into conclusions without asking. We assume too much. We just feel this thing is going the way we think.

In the journey of life, some of us just jump at anything. We feel everyone is doing this ,then I should join them.  We assume it will work for us. We dont even bother to ask questions. We just put ourselves in a state of competition. Oh! This girl is doing this and it's working for her, you go into it too. Ha! You're different. Don't jump into a bus that's not meant for your destination

This man even tried to ask questions so he won't have to drop on the way. Some of us won't even ask questions at all. We just assume and keep working with the assumption.

In some relationships,We assume we are in a relationship because we feel the other party likes us, we feel the other party cares for us. Then we will be disappointed half way to realise it's not what we think. The person you think you're in a relationship with isn't even in a relationship with you. Why? You've never asked if the person is headed to the same destination as you. You are just doing follow follow, joining another person's bus and not focusing on how you'll get your destination bus. Have you ever asked that person, what's his/her plan for you both?

In friendships, you hear something about someone, you didn't even bother to ask questions,  you just conclude what you hear is true. You quickly joined the bus of the person who came to give you the gist. You quickly left your own path and focus on another person's without even verifying. You should stop that.

             "Know your destination"
Know your own destination. Once you know where you're going, it will be easier to identify the right bus to enter in order to get to your destination. It will also be easier to identify the kinds of people you will need in the journey.

In conclusion, As i was thinking of all I've written, my mum finally came, I got the things from her and went back home.


  1. 😍😍😍😍I am your number one fan... You have done well with this my dear

  2. you right dear
    we must have a vision of where we heading to, not just following the wind.
    thank you for the reminder.



Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...