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Friday 6 September 2019


Matthew 21:18-19
18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it and found nothing on it  but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on  you ever again.” Immediately the fig tree  withered away.

We have been created for a purpose!
Once you are on earth and you refuse to fulfil purpose or do what you have been created for, it can be said that you are not useful because you are not serving purpose!

It is important that we find purpose because it will help in our life journey. If you are created to do A and you are doing B, it will be said that you are doing Nothing.
Let's go to the manufacturer of our life (God)  and find out our manual so we can know our purpose!

FIG TREE: A fruitbearing tree
In this Bible passage, the fig tree' total goal was to bear fruit but when the son of God got there, it was not serving purpose and it was withered away!
What will you be found doing when He comes? May we not be found wanting when Jesus comes.

Let's not live as if there's no tomorrow
Let's find purpose and live a purposeful life.
Be Fruitful
Live purposefully

Saturday 16 March 2019


Tolu went into the kitchen to get water for both of them. After she was able to calm Emmanuella down, Tolu continued.

"Emma, I hope you do not think I am not happy for you. No dear, I am just bothered about you. I am glad you are progressing but I am scared." Tolu said

Scared about what? Emma asked. Scared about you, Tolu replied. "You are a very beautiful lady, you are Godly and well-trained. I admire you so much. You possess personalities I like and  I believe this has made you stand out." Tolu said as she smiled.

You are my very good friend but you're still very young Emma. You are just 22 years old and you want to get married without even thinking twice. Emma, you .......

As Tolu was about to continue, Emma cuts in and shouted; "Oh, so now it is all clear to me, you think I am too young to keep a home, you think I don't deserve good things. Now it is obvious that you don't wish me well."

Emma went on talking and shouting but Tolu kept quiet and allowed her to finish talking. When she finished, Tolu continued from where she stopped.

"Emma, you have eyes but I wonder if you can see. Let me set the record straight, I want the best for you and I won't allow you marry a beast." Tolu said.  Emma stood up and slapped Tolu saying "How dare you call him a beast?..." 

"That wouldn't stop me from speaking" Tolu said as she continued.

"Emma, I need to tell you some things you do not know or probably things you pretend not to know."

"This man is married with three kids. He is not a widower neither has he divorced his wife. I found out about his marriage last week but I thought you knew and it was over between you both. I was told he just doesn't love his wife anymore because she is not educated. After three kids? 2 boys and a beautiful girl! Is he just knowing that the wife is not educated? Have you ever asked yourself why he kept on saying you should abort all the pregnancies you had for him? You already had 3 abortions for him that I know of." Tolu informed Emmanuella.

"How come you do not even know about his marriage all these years? " Tolu asked Emmanuella. 

"Remember the day I saw your face swollen? You never told me what happened to you but I overheard your neighbours gossiping about how he turned you into  a punching bag." Tolu said with an angry face.

"Do you ever wonder why he took you out of your state of residence to propose to you where no one knows him?"....  Tolu asked

"You see why I feel worried about you. You see why I let out those tears. You deserve better dear Emma. I love you and you know it. I wouldn't want you to go into a lifetime of sorrow." Tolu assured Emmanuella.
"If he can see his own wife as not good enough for him again and marry you, he might also leave you tomorrow." Tolu advised.

As Tolu poured out her mind about how she feels about Emma's proposal, Emma laughed out loud and told her enough of all these her stories. She mentioned that she knew about his marriage during the relationship, although he never opened up to her at first until she heard about it from a third party and confronted him. He then told her everything and she agreed to continue the relationship. Emma further said that it is not his fault that she had abortions as she was also not ready to have a child. To set the record straight, she continued, "I have had four (4) abortions for him and not three (3)." Emmanuella corrected Tolu.

She concluded by thanking Tolu for the love but her mind is made up. She's getting married to Deji in few months. I love him so much, she added.

Tolu sighed and decided to talk no further. WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DECISIONS WE MAKE.


You all will agree with me that; 
"Aja to ba fe sonu ko ni gbo fere olode "

And there's a limit you can go in advising someone whose mind is made up.


Friday 8 March 2019


Today is International Women's day and I'm proud to be one. I have decided to write down some words to remind us that we are unique.

Noble Woman,

Be in competition with no one but you!
As each day passes, try to be a better YOU!
You are what you say you are.
Never speak negative about yourself to yourself.
Speak positively. 
You're more than enough. 
Never allow anyone make you feel otherwise.
You're capable of so much more
Don't limit yourself

Stay true to yourself

No one can love you more than yourself. 
Give yourself all the love you deserve 
Forgive yourself for all the wrongs you've done
Talk to yourself daily and be loved by yourself.

Rise up and take up the challenges in your life with the help of God.
Remember, He is your strength and with him all things are possible 

Adjust your crown and keep your head high.
Be contented with what you have.
Every step you take in life, 
Make sure you talk to God about it,
Make sure God takes the lead.

You might not be where you want to be. 
Be grateful for where you are 
Hopeful for where God is taking you 
Do not run into marriage for the fear of ageing,
Instead, pray to God to lead you aright.
While you wait, seek God's face.
Listen not to side talks 
Be focused on your goals.

Dear Woman,
You are beautiful. 
Remember, no one defines who you are
Be confident. 

You're Unstoppable.

Happy International Women's Day!

Thursday 14 February 2019


It's Valentine's day and Tolu's friend, Emmanuella called her phone to inform her of her intention to visit Tolu. Are you home today? She asked. Then Tolu told her yes as she had no plans for valentine. I have a good news to share with you, she continued. Without hearing what the goodnews was, Tolu was already excited for her friend. Lol. So She told Emma that she looks forward to seeing her and they ended the conversation.

Two hours later,  Tolu heard a knock on her door. On opening the door, it was Emmanuella, her friend.  Then they exchanged pleasantries, excited to see each other; they hugged so well and she offered her a seat. We have so much to catch up on, Emma said as she had her seat.

So they started gisting; old times gist. They left no stone unturned. They do not hide things from each other. They talk about anything and everything. As they continued their discusssion, Tolu was eager to hear the main gist, so she asked Emma about what she wanted to tell her .

Then she started;  He proposed Who proposed? Tolu asked. Deji? And she jumped up in excitement and said YES.  Immediately tears ran through Tolu's eyes. She was angry and sad at the same time. Here is her friend all smiles and happy but Tolu is exactly the opposite right now.

Emmanuella didn't notice the tears and she continued talking about how the proposal went. How he surprised her. How people were around taking pictures of the moment, she was wowed. She then proceeded to tell Tolu that She will be her chief bridesmaid. She already had a dream wedding and was excited that it will come to pass.

When she noticed Tolu hadn't said a word or reply to all she was saying, she turned to Tolu to ask why she wasn't talking, then she looked into her eyes and realised Tolu has been crying all along.

She got angry and felt Tolu wasn't happy for her. Tolu tried to explain things to her but Emma flared up. Tolu was able to calm her down and started her explanation.

But just before Tolu started; She went into the kitchen to get them water to drink............

Why was Tolu weeping?
Was she jealous?
Was she not happy for her friend?
What exactly is the problem?


Wednesday 30 January 2019


Happy new year once again. It's been a while here. So sorry for keeping y'all waiting. I'm back.

I'm here to admonish us and rekindle our hopes. I'm here to remind y'all that when there's life, there's hope. I'm here to remind us not to give up.

In 2018, I lost myself several times but I kept pushing. I trusted God in the process and I still trust Him.

Few weeks ago, a friend of mine called me one evening, she lamented, complained and told me how fed up she is. I had something I was dealing with too. But guess what? I was able to talk to her and calmed her down. She told me of how her friends have gone further than her, how her friends have achieved so much in all areas but seems she's just stagnant. I smile and gave her some words of hope.

I remembered how my uncle told me something about human beings rushing. He said to me that "Eda lon konju" meaning  "human beings are always in a hurry."They have forgotten that there's something called time. He concluded and told me that TIME IS THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND WHERE GOD IS TAKING YOU.

So I told my friend; "Ileri olorun kii ye" meaning "God's promises never fail".  God will definitely do what he has promised. All your friends that you think are ahead of you are just working with their own time. There will be time for you to shine as well and so well. There will be a time you will look back and shed only tears of joy.

I'm sure this message isn't just for me or my friend alone. Its for each and everyone of us who are striving but looks like the situation isn't changing. Hold on to God. You don't need to rush.

Time heals everything. Time tells.
Very soon, you'll tell your success story.
Keep striving, keep pushing
Keep trusting God.
"Time is the only difference between you and where God is taking you"

Thursday 3 January 2019


Approaching her silver jubilee
She's indifferent about how she feels
Should she be excited?
Should she be sad?
In deep thought she is
What exactly has she achieved?
There and then,
Thoughts of God's faithfulness started flowing
How well he has kept her through the years
Her prayers and pleas, he hears
What more could she ask for?
Looking back, she learns
Looking forward, she belives
Believing her tomorrow will be better than today
Just immediately
She began to smile
As she remembers God's promises do not fail
Oh faithful father,
Thank you for loving me this much;
She said to herself.

Sunday 30 December 2018


Hello beautiful people, The year 2018 is about to come to an end. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has been part of my blog.

I opened the blog this year when I didn't even have an idea I will. Big thanks to everyone who has made this blog a reality.

There were times I get too lazy to write but I have some amazing people who remind me I have a blog and they would love to read my writeups. I'm so grateful for you guys. Thank you for motivating me.

Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you for opening that link everytime I send to you.
Thank you for those comments you drop after reading. If you've ever dropped any comment on the blog. I have replied you. God bless you.
Some people even help me share the link on their own social media pages. Ha. I am so grateful. Ese gan

Thank you all for your time, data and sharing your own stories and opinions. I love you all

To everyone who haven't opened the blog yet, you can still do. 2019 will be a great year.

Kindly help me share the link to the blog to your friends across social media.

In 2019, I would like to share your story on the blog. I could make you anonymous if you don't want your identity to be known. Just send me a message and tell me the story. God bless you

To the Almighty God, The creator of the Universe, Agbanilagbatan, I say thank youπŸ™ It's been an awesome year with you, Lord.

We look forward to a more glorious year in 2019.


It feels so good to be alive to see the end of 2018. God has indeed been faithful.

So I think 2019 shouldn't begin without writing down the many lessons learnt in 2018.

There were so many ups and downs in this year. I lost myself several times this year but I'm glad i found myself before the year runs out.  It was indeed a tough one. Yet, I am grateful.

As the year started coming to an end, I kept on asking myself what have I achieved? Then God reminded me my way is not His'. So I continued to follow His pace.
Then I remembered I do not own the air I breathe. I am grateful oh Lord.

2018 is indeed eye opening.
There are many lessons to learn this year ( ABOUT FRIENDS
ABOUT LIFE) I tried to summarise it but I couldn't. So I'll just list them down here.

●Live to please no one
●Find and Know yourself
●Hold on to God and trust Him
●If you keep allowing people to make you feel bad, they will change your person. But before they do, let them go, they don't need to go through all the journeys of life with you. Keep your circle small
No positive vibe, leave that person
No true love, leave that person

●In anger, you'd know what people think of you
●Never force a relationship or friendship to work
●Never allow anyone to make you feel you're not good enough. You're more than enough.
●Their opinion about you doesn't define you. Don't blame them. It's their perspective. We all see things differently. THEY are entitled to their opinion but you choose how you accept.
●Don't feel indispensable
●You're all by yourself
●Learn to say no when necessary
●Follow your dreams without bothering about sidetalks
●Before you tell your friends so much about you, make sure you've tested them enough
●People will always talk about you
●Never get carried away by the applause
●Love yourself so much
●Never take out your anger on anyone
●Think before you act
●Do not think you're always right
●Learn to say sorry
●Be humble
●Not everyone smiling with you is happy for you.
●Do good and expect nothing in return
●No disappointment without expectation.  So when you don't expect,  you won't be disappointed.

Late Tosyn Bucknor said;
"When you die, you will be all by yourself"
It is important to please yourself rather than people. More importantly, please God

Above all, love God and trust him. Have a close relationship with God. He's the only one who won't tell no one while he fixes your wrong.


Saturday 8 December 2018


I've been hoping to talk about this for a while now. So I'm writing about it here today 😊

I was having this discussion with a guy some days ago about having an opposite sex bestie while you're in a relationship with or married to someone else.
He replied that he personally doesn't have a problem with it. I was like — "Really? You're one of them?" Lol. That was actually my reply.

Then he went on to say he has a friend who has a female bestie. They are both in their different relationships but are best friends. They dress in the presence of each other yet they are not dating.

Oh wow! Interesting.
I decided to write something about it. πŸ‘‡
Okay! Let's discuss about this opposite sex bestie issue here.
Do you think it's right? Wrong? Or you're indifferent about it?

Yes! You love her
Yes! She loves you.
You both love each other.
But why are you both in a relationship when you can't be best friends?
Why are you married when you're not best of friends.
If you don't see yourselves as best friends, why are you committed to each other?
So you as a man now has a female bestfriend who is not your spouse.
You as a lady now have male bestfriend who is not your spouse.
Why does it look like you're hiding under the "bestie" title to perform some acts.
Why do you report your partner to your so called bestie?
Why are you being selfish not considering the other party's emotions?

Your excuse is; Oh, you've known your bestie years before you met your spouse.
Now that you're married, it's difficult to let your bestie go right? Okay!

Your so called bestie now controls your relationship
How do you expect your partner to cope?
Oh! Now you are complaining that your partner is just being jealous.
Why wont your partner be?
You pretend not to know how it feels.

It's your birthday and your so called bestie delivers a cake to your office with the inscription "Happy birthday love" "Happy birthday Sweet"
When did you both become lovers when you have your own spouse? What exactly is sweet that's making him/her call you sweet?

You see your bestie as your comforter
A shoulder to cry on
What happened to your spouse' shoulders? Too small for your big head or it's too hardπŸ™„

Everyone in your bestie' house now know you even more than your spouse' family.
Kilode. Are you in a relationship with your bestie?
You now see your bestie' family as yours.

Infact, you feel safe to tell your bestie things you cannot tell your spouse.
You allow your bestie to define your relationship.

Can you be in a room with your opposite sex bestie and nothing would happen?
Sometimes it's not even about having sex with each other. It's beyond that.

What are your views on this topic? Feel free to comment below.
How do you manage your spouse and your bestie?
Do you think it's right? Wrong? Or you're indifferent about it? Is it good for a serious relationship or marriage?

Saturday 10 November 2018


Good evening beautiful people,
How was our day?

Just few hours ago, I posted a maths riddle on my whatsapp status. I've been receiving different answers to the riddle. I decided to come here to write down some things for us all to read before I finally say the answer. I know some people might want to strangle me. Lol
Y'all should kindly read.

Okay! This is the riddle and I'll solve or say the answer at the end of this post.

Often times, we are in so much hurry that we forget to pay attention to details.
There's a problem but we are too quick to look for solution to the problem.
We don't even calm down to know the root of the problem inorder to know where to start from.
We might actually know the solution to that problem or issue but we are not just patient enough to see the problem deeply.
So we keep guessing

All we want is the solution to the problem
We are not patient enough to know the source.
Don't be too quick to tackle that issue disturbing you, calm down and know why you're facing the issue
Then, you'd know what to do about it.
You've failed so many times,
Have you gone back to know the reason for the failure inorder to know what to do next?

Even back in school, we are sometimes given back our scripts so that we can see the mistakes we made.

There's something bothering you, there's an issue you're facing, have you even wondered if you're not taking the right steps concerning the matter? Probably what you need to do is even less stressful.

The truth is when we know the source of a problem, it's easy to find the right solution.
How do we know the source of the issues we're facing? JESUS!!!
He knows all things
He sees all things
Talk to him about it.
Then He will teach us what to do.

Back to the riddle.....
The little man in the riddle wasn't wearing any shoes from the beginning, neither was he carrying anything on his hands from the beginning.
But he was carrying two papers and wearing shoes in the section we are to solve.
So this is the solution:
5+ (5+4+10)*2
5+19*2 (using bodmas)
5+38= 43
Now we can all see that the maths is very simple. Infact we all could have easily gotten the answers but we didn't look closely.

In conclusion, LET'S BE PATIENT

Thank you for reading!


Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...