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Friday 6 April 2018


YES! I found it
What?  I'll tell you
Where?  I'll give you the gist

In the world full of trials and tribulations
in the world full of deceit
in the world full of gossip and rumour
Nothing seems to entice me anymore

So I started seeking for happiness
I thought and thought
I searched and searched
Looking for where I can just be happy

As I was thinking aloud,someone came to me and asked why I was talking to myself.
Then I answered and said to him that I seek happiness,this world we are in is full of chaos. The person then told me not to look further, that he will take me somewhere.

Guess what?  He took me to a club. On  getting there, my hope increased.  I saw people laughing and dancing. Seems they had nothing to worry about.  So I decided to sit, watch and enjoy so I could find my own happiness. As I was watching, I saw two people fighting and pouring out  their hearts. Now it seems to me that people there are not there to be happy, they are just trying to while away time and forget their sorrows.  So I left as I realised my happiness was not there.

I kept thinking, I need to be happy. Another person said to me, she said I'm just lonely and I need a boyfriend. Maybe she's right, I thought to myself.  So I decided to have one.  But still, I wasn't happy, it wasn't because the guy was not good enough but because I've not known myself yet and I'm seeking happiness in the poor guy.  So again, I left and told him I'll be back. I needed to find true happiness.

Again, another person told me I'll find happiness in my job but Lo and behold, it still wasn't there. There's no inner happiness so it can't be transferred to my job

Another told me that happiness is in the houses I built and the cars I have.  Yes I have all these things but I wasn't still happy.  Happiness is not in them. They are just material things.

I was now deeply sad, is there no way I can find happiness. Why must I live in this deceitful world without happiness from within. This is not fair at all,i said to myself.  I just wanted to be happy.  That's not too much to ask.

Then my long time friend came to see me. She entered and met me depressed. She then asked what's wrong, I explained all to her.  I told her the places I've been and what I have done. She then said to me, "You have been seeking happiness in the wrong places " I asked "How" She said I have to meet him before I find true happiness. Then I started blabbing, meet HIM?  Who?  a BOYFRIEND?  I already had one but it wasn't working, I didn't find the happiness I wanted in him. So I left him.

She then told me to be patient and listen.
I listened attentively hoping to hear what will make me happy.
She asked if I own a Bible, I said yes and quickly dashed inside my room to pick it, it was so dusty. you could guess I've not opened it in a long time. She asked when last I opened it, I shyly answered.

She told me to open to John3:16 . Oh yes!  this is a common verse, I said as I opened it.
She told me how Christ died for me just for me to be saved.
Truly, I've heard and read that verse but it didn't have so much meaning to me as it did today.  She took her time to explain to me what this meant. She told me to open bible passages like Phil 3:10, jer 29:11 and so on

She emphasized on the fact that true happiness can only be found in CHRIST.  It's only when I seek Christ and know that I can find happiness. There and then, the happiness begins to come from within.

I made my happiness depend on CHRIST

It all starts and ends with Christ!

There's someone like me out there who is seeking happiness.  You need to check up on that friend and tell him/her the right thing to do. Speak to someone about JESUS

I'm grateful my friend came in at the right time to put me through.  I was depressed and she showed up.  Always show up for your friends.  Check up on them.  It will mean a lot. In fact, you might be saving a soul .

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