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Monday 14 May 2018


They live in the neighborhood
When we see them both
They were all we want to be
They were all we want in a relationship
They were perfect

We see them everyday hugging each other
In the warmth of their arms lies their heads
The shoulders they carry were for each other
They were perfect

Not that we the onlookers are jobless
No!  We just love to see them together
All we wanted was in them
They were perfect

Just because of them
We sometimes fight with our own partners
We feel our partners are not good enough
We wanted our partners be like these two
They were indeed perfect

They come out radiant and all smiles
They never have any course to fight
They were role models to us
They were perfect

Just One day,
I passed through their window
Just to see what how they do it
They were so perfect

I heard a loud bang,
Glasses breaking,
I ran as much as my legs could carry me
Probably thieves were around, I said to myself
They were perfect

I got to my house panting
Then these two came out dressed for a party
Oh! what a Lovey dovey couple
The definition of perfection

Then I called my partner,
let's go for a party tonight, I said
But he wouldn't
I got angry and hung up on him
Why can't he just be like these two, I murmured

Stepping out of my house one day,
I saw one of them this time around
She had a bruise on her face
I said hello to her
As I took my leave,
I overheard her talking to someone on phone saying she hit her face on the wall
So sad!  I said to myself

Admiring the perfect two was so easy
Seeing them put smiles on our faces
Infact, We left partners who can't meet up the races

As I went to dump the refuse one evening
I heard two voices screaming
As I drew nearer to their place
The voices became clearer
These two were not what we thought they were? i asked myself
Then I listened to their harsh conversations
Heard the hitting!

I immediately remembered the bruises I saw on her face the last time
So she didn't hit herself on the wall afterall
She was playing along all these while
So perfect, we thought they were

The woman was suffering from domestic violence
They were not perfect after all
They were just pretending to us all along
They were only good and looked happy when they came out
They were not even perfect

Oh!  I burst into tears
Not because of the couple
But because of the decisions we've made by looking at their lifestyle
We've ruined our own relationships and friendships
We just wanted to be like the perfect Couple
Little did we know that the perfection we see is just for the CAMERA (OUR EYES)  it wasn't permanent. It didn't even exist in their home.

*Never compare yourself
Don't make decisions based on what you see in Others
Don't compare your relationship with another
You never even know what that person you want to be like is going through
Love yourself and be contented with what you have
Trust God for all your needs!


Matthew 21:18-19 18 Now in the morning, as He returned to the  city, He was hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by  the road, He came to it...